Diabetic Eye Screening Program
All individuals with diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) are at risk for developing diabetic retinopathy, which over time if it is not well controlled, it can lead to permanent vision loss. Essentially, when your blood sugar levels increase and fluctuate, they may lead to the rupture of the tiny blood vessels in the retina, this classifies as diabetic retinopathy.
Is there treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy?
Depending on the level of diabetic retinopathy different forms of intervention may be recommended, ranging from merely a stricter control of blood sugar to treating the retina directly with laser or other form of treatments.
What is Diabetic Eye Screening?
An annual eye examination in the form of diabetic eye screening with an experienced optometrist will allow for categorizing the level of diabetic retinopathy present and advising the appropriate form of management. These regular checkups can reduce the risk of vision loss significantly.
Do I need a referral to schedule an appointment with the Ophthalmologist?
We strive to provide accessible eye health care. Booking appointments with a Retina Specialist should be done with a referral.
Am I covered by RAMQ for an annual check up?
When seeing an Ophthalmologist, RAMQ will cover a diabetic comprehensive eye examination with dilation. However, ancillary testing such as Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT), or retinal imaging are not covered by RAMQ.
Do you communicate with the physician treating my diabetes?
Yes, indeed. A communicative report to the treating physician is faxed at the end of every comprehensive eye examination.
For instance, if minimal changes to the retina due to diabetes are present, a stricter blood sugar control is a sufficient form of management, in which the optometrist will fax a diabetic eye examination report to the treating physician, relaying this information.
If however, retinal abnormalities are significant, in these cases direct treatment of the retina may be necessary, therefore an additional referral to the care of an ophthalmologist with a retina specialty is completed as well.
This collaborative work approach allows for comprehensive management with the patient’s best interest is in the center of it all.
Care you can see
If you are suffering from a retinal condition or simply experiencing issues with your vision, our team of experts will be happy to assist you.